The American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) is proud to announce its support for the Washington State Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) Work Group as they await a pivotal decision from the Washington Health Technology Clinical Committee (HTCC) regarding the coverage of SCS for state employees, state-sponsored health plans, and injured workers under WA Labor and Industries (L&I).

The HTCC, after considering public comments and evidence summaries, is scheduled to meet on Friday, November 17, to review the potential benefits of SCS — a pain management therapy that has not been formally reviewed since 2010. The re-review comes as a result of persistent efforts by local pain specialists, including Dr. Jennifer Lee, and collective advocacy by medical societies and Northwest health systems.

AAPM, along with other stakeholders in the Multisociety Pain Workgroup (MPG) — including IPSIS and NANS — and regional health systems such as the University of Washington and Providence Swedish, has been instrumental in bringing this issue to the forefront.

“Ensuring access to the most effective pain management treatments is at the core of our mission,” says Farshad Ahadian, M.D., president of AAPM. “We stand with the Washington State SCS Work Group, recognizing the potential of SCS to improve the quality of life for patients grappling with chronic pain. A positive response from the HTCC would be a significant step forward in pain care.”

AAPM members and affiliates are encouraged to attend the virtual meeting to show their support and to witness this critical discussion firsthand. The collective voice of pain care providers is a powerful advocate for the advancement of pain management practices.

AAPM remains committed to advocating for evidence-based interventions and is hopeful that the HTCC will render a decision that reflects the current scientific literature and the needs of pain patients across Washington State.

For more information about the upcoming HTCC meeting or to learn more about the SCS Work Group’s efforts, visit the HTCC meeting and materials page.