Tools for Practice

AAPM is committed to creating, identifying, and sharing evidence-based pain medicine clinical practice resources. The following resources are intended to assist practicing pain physicians treat their patients in pain. Help AAPM build its library of clinical resources! If you have a resource to share with the pain medicine community, let us know about it by emailing

Safe Storage & Disposal Guidelines for Opioids and all Medications

As a member of the American Medical Association Task Force to Reduce Opioid Abuse, AAPM assisted in formulating these guidelines designed for physicians to promote the safe storage and disposal of expired, unwanted, or unused medications.

End the Epidemic: AMA Taskforce to Reduce Opioid Abuse Microsite

Access educational resources and learn about the AMA’s recommendations and progress towards reversing the nation’s opioid epidemic.

Eight Prescribing Practices for Clinicians

Help minimize harm when prescribing opioids and other psychotherapeutics with these prescribing practices.

Patient Document Templates

The following adaptable template documents were developed by AAPM for consideration by physicians in connection with their prescription of any controlled substance.

Agreement on Controlled Substances Therapy for Chronic Pain Treatment

Consent for Chronic Opioid Therapy

Opioid Learning Institute

The Opioid Learning Institute is a comprehensive educational initiative with a mission to educate prescribers and other health care professionals on safe and effective opioid prescribing guidelines. The self paced CME/CE accredited curriculum cover topics related to evidence-based opioid use treatment options, safe opioid prescribing, reduction of risks of opioid misuse, effective communication strategies about opioid misuse, and overdose prevention.