AAPM is now accepting nominations for available 2023-2024 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee positions as well as 2022 awards. 

Deadline to submit is January 13, 2023 

Board and Nominating Committee Call for Nominations

Nominees should be current, voting members of AAPM who are interested in and qualified for service in a leadership role. When the Nominating Committee develops the slate of candidates, “Preference shall be given to individuals with active service on a committee of the Academy,” (AAPM Bylaws, Article X, Section 1).

Nominations and required materials must be submitted for consideration by January 13, 2023.

Available Positions & Eligibility Requirements


One position is available for a 1-year term. The President-Elect shall have served as an officer of the Academy for a minimum of 2 consecutive years prior to serving as President-Elect.

Vice President for Scientific Affairs

One position is available for 3-year term. The Vice President for Scientific Affairs shall oversee and report to the Board of Directors on all educational and research activities in the area of Pain Medicine and shall have served as a Director on the Board of Directors for a minimum of 2 consecutive years prior to serving as Vice President for Scientific Affairs. The Vice President for Scientific Affairs shall be elected for a 3-year term and shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.


One position is available for 3-year term. The Treasurer shall oversee and report to the Board of Directors on financial reports, Association expenditures, and financial status. The Treasurer shall have served a minimum of 1 year on the Finance Committee and 2 years on the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be elected for a 3-year term and shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.


Three positions are available, each for a 3-year term. Directors-at-Large shall be elected for terms of 3 years each. No Director-at-Large shall be elected to serve more than two consecutive terms.

Nominating Committee

Two positions are available, each for a 2-year term. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of the Immediate Past President as Chair, President, President-Elect, and four Active Members of the Academy who have not served on the Board of Directors during the past 3 years and who shall be elected by the Membership for 2-year staggered terms.

How to Nominate

A completed nomination form, resume or curriculum vitae, and conflict of interest disclosure statement must be submitted for each nominee. 

January 13, 2023, is the deadline for submitting the required materials by email:

Email: nominate@painmed.org