American Academy of Pain Medicine Annual Meeting Media Policies

Embargo Policy

All materials presented at the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting are embargoed for publication and broadcast until the officially scheduled date and time of presentation at the conference, unless AAPM provides written notice of change of date and/or time in advance.

All news media representatives, scientists and their funders, public relations representatives, and exhibitors/sponsors agree to be bound by the embargoes and release times stated on news releases and other news materials issued by AAPM and the AAPM Annual Meeting. If a reporter or news media outlet breaks an AAPM Annual Meeting news embargo, AAPM reserves the right to revoke their press access and credentials for the current event and future AAPM conferences and events.

Press Credentials

Press passes are issued to individuals representing a recognized news organization, including freelancers who contribute to such organizations. The Academy will permit one journalist—one pass—per media outlet. To obtain a press badge, both photo identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, and identification certifying that you are a working member of the print, broadcast, or online media are required. Such identification includes press credentials, or a business card, and samples of your work. All freelancers must present a letter of assignment.

Individuals who receive exhibitor passes are not eligible for press passes.

The American Academy of Pain Medicine has the right to inspect the credentials of anyone registering in the newsroom and reserves the right to refuse to register any individual as press.

Ineligible Registrants

AAPM does not issue press badges to: publishers or a publications’ advertising, marketing, public relations, sales, circulation, or any other non-editorial function representatives; industry/exhibitor press officers and their public relations consultants; financial or business analysts; educational program developers (including CME writers and editors); trade media management personnel; or other individuals who are not actually reporting on the meeting.

Media who produce a communications vehicle that is sponsored by a single organization or whose revenue for the publication or issue of a publication depends solely on coverage of AAPM’s meeting also are ineligible to receive press credentials. In addition, media who produce communications that use AAPM’s name or logo to imply endorsement from AAPM also are ineligible to receive press credentials.

AAPM prohibits the development of CME content based on information presented at its meeting.

Be advised that based on space requirements, the newsroom reserves the right to limit the number of press badges issued to a media organization.

Access to Meeting Sessions and Events

Credentialed media have access to all general sessions. Access to ticketed events with limited enrollment, such as workshops and Meet the Professor sessions, is restricted to ticket holders only (NOTE: at the sole discretion of the speakers at these events, press may be permitted to attend if space permits). Social events, such as receptions, are open only to those who purchase tickets. AAPM reserves the right to restrict attendance at any session.

Video, Photo, and Audio Recording Regulations

Filming and photography at the AAPM Annual Meeting, Exhibit Hall, and poster area are prohibited, without written permission from the Academy Communications staff. Any television, video crews, or still photographers are required to check in immediately with the Director of Communications each day and must be accompanied by an AAPM representative at all times when shooting inside the AAPM Annual Meeting. Shooting schedules should be provided in advance to ensure AAPM staff availability. Email for clearance.

Recording in the Exhibit Hall

Exhibits may not be photographed or videotaped unless permission by the authorized exhibitors and/or presenters is granted.


Reproduction of materials such as abstract data, posters, presentation slides, etc., requires first obtaining permission from the listed author(s) and/or presenter(s) as well as from any individual or group that may hold copyright on the material. Please ask newsroom staff for assistance in obtaining the appropriate permission. Journalists violating copyright may have their press credentials denied the following year.

Press passes are distributed on site, as are all materials related to the meeting (including the Abstract Supplement). Meeting information is posted online. Press releases are distributed on an embargoed basis.


Members of the news media will need to be pre-qualified and register in advance of the AAPM Annual Meeting by contacting:

American Academy of Pain Medicine
(443) 399-1502

Press credential requirements must be met. Freelancers must present an assignment letter and copies of recently published work.

Registered Media List

AAPM will not make a list of registered media publicly available.

Hosting Media Events

Organizations or public relations representatives planning media events related to the AAPM Annual Meeting are required to coordinate with AAPM’s marketing and public relations staff. These events must not conflict with any schedule press events or general sessions held by AAPM.

Press Room and Press Materials

The AAPM Annual Meeting Press Room is strictly for the use of working news media that are registered for the conference. AAPM press materials and approved non-AAPM press materials will be available in the Press Room during the meeting hours. For approval of non-AAPM materials, please contact AAPM’s marketing and public relations staff. Media registered for the meeting will receive releases and other materials via email, embargoed depending on timing.

Scientific Papers and Visuals

Journalists who want to view and reproduce posters, slides, graphs, and other visuals to illustrate news coverage must have the presenters’ permission. Press Room staff will assist with requests to obtain and use such materials.

Scientific Presentations and Plenary Sessions

As a courtesy to presenters, television and video crews and photographers must obtain permission of the speaker and moderator before shooting presentations. Television and video crews may not use artificial lights during presentations. Lights may be used only before the session begins or after it concludes. Flash photography during scientific presentations and plenary sessions is not allowed.

Internet and Telephone Availability

High-speed lines and/or wireless service for access to the Internet will be available to journalists in the Press Room on a first-come, first-served basis. Telephones will be provided to journalists in the Press Room on a first-come, first-served basis.

Changes in News Media Guidelines

These policies are subject to change at any time.

AAPM News Media Contacts

For questions or further information, please contact:

American Academy of Pain Medicine
(443) 399-1502