Disruption of nNOS-NOS1AP Protein-Protein Interactions Suppresses Neuropathic Pain in Mice
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Source: PubMed.gov
Source: PubMed.gov
Source: Disease Models & Mechanisms Diabetes-associated nociceptive hypersensitivity affects diabetic patients with hard-to-treat chronic pain. Because multiple tissues are affected by systemic alterations in insulin signaling, the functional locus of insulin signaling in diabetes-associated hypersensitivity [...]
Source: PubMed.gov
Source: ClinicalTrials.govRead the details.
Source: Medscape Gabapentin tops pregabalin for pain reduction in patients with chronic sciatica, results of a head-to-head comparison show. But at least one expert has concerns about this conclusion.Full story.
[Source: Annals of Family Medicine] Abstract: Purpose: In the current payment paradigm, reimbursement is partially based on patient satisfaction scores. We sought to understand the relationship between prescription opioid use and satisfaction with care among [...]
[Source: The Cochrane Library] Abstract: Background: Fibromyalgia is a chronic widespread pain condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Current pharmacotherapies are often ineffective and poorly tolerated. Combining different agents could provide superior pain relief and [...]
[Source: Baylor Lariat] Since fibromyalgia causes chronic pain in the hands, people with the condition have trouble typing and using the mouses connected to the computers. The pain research is based off of different ways [...]
[Source: ClinicalTrials.gov]